QlikMapsQlikMapsFAQ/Common ScenariosUsageHow do I handle multiple points on top of each other?

How do I handle multiple points on top of each other?

There may be times when you have multiple points plotted on top of each other. To solve this, you will create a parent lat-lng dimension and plot the parent dimension instead of the child dimension. Using this point aggregation, you will be able to see individual points aggregated into only unique locations.

Note: In this example, we are using the QlikMaps Demo 2.0 QVW, which you can find on the QlikMaps Download Site.

Create parent dimensions in load script

Create parent dimensions in load script

In your load script, you'll create 3 new dimensions that are consolidated lists of the unique addresses for each of your points. This allows you to present your information in a less cluttered and better-performing way. Below is sample code:

	 AutoNumber(Round(latitude*100)/100 & '|' &  Round(longitude*100)/100) as ApproxAddressId,
	 Round(latitude*100)/100 as LatitudeApprox,
	 Round(longitude*100)/100 as LongitudeApprox;

Plot the parent dimensions

Plot the parent dimensions

Plot the parent dimensions on your Points object.

Modify the popups to show the requested data

Modify the popups to show the requested data

Edit the Popup expression to show the count and distinct IDs of the points found at each location:

=Count(DISTINCT TaxId) & ' Tax IDs found here: ' & Concat(distinct TaxId, ', ')