QlikMapsQlikMapsFAQ/Common ScenariosUsageHow do I create HTML popups without HTML experience?

How do I create HTML popups without HTML experience?

You can create the basic look and feel of your popup in a WYSIWYG HTML editor like Quackit. For the purposes of this article, we'll use the Quackit editor, but you can use any other WYSIWYG editor.

Start creating in a WYSIWYG editor

You can write in the editor just like a word processor, and when you're finished click the Source button to see the raw HTML that you wrote.

Copy your HTML

The source will look similar to below. Copy the code between the body tags.


	your code here


Paste your HTML in the Popup Text expression

Open the Properties window and paste your code into the Popup Text expression.

Note: You can successfully use QlikView variables as plain text in the HTML popup.