Why do I see “Unknown Chart Type” instead of QlikMaps objects?

After installing QlikMaps (especially manually) and loading a QVW with QlikMaps objects, you may see objects with "Unknown Chart Type" instead of QlikMaps objects.

Check your installation folders

Check your installation folders

Due to the way that certain zipping programs unzip files, you may have an extra level of folders inside the installation directories.

Your folders may look like: C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewServer\Extensions\Objects\QlikMaps_For_MQ_Points\QlikMaps_For_MQ_Points. In this case, QlikView will not be able to properly read the QlikMaps files, and will display the "Unknown Chart Type" error when attempting to show QlikMaps objects.

A quick way to validate if QlikMaps has been installed incorrectly is to navigate to http://<servername>/QvAJAXZfc/QvsViewClient.aspx?public=only&name=Extensions/QlikMaps_For_MQ_Polygons/Icon.png . If the URL should return a QlikMaps icon as it is shown in the example above. If instead

<result><message text="Empty response" /></result>

is shown, it is likely that QlikMaps has been installed incorrectly.

To resolve this, copy the innermost folder and paste to the /Extensions/Objects directory. The ending directory structure should look like: C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewServer\Extensions\Objects\QlikMaps_For_MQ_Points. The files should be directly inside each folder, rather than inside an additional QlikMaps folder.