QlikMapsQlikMapsDocumentation for QlikViewPopupsCreate a popup that shows a Pie Chart

Create a popup that shows a Pie Chart

Editing the Marker Properties

The popup text is controlled by modifying the expression for “Popup Text” in the “Marker Properties” and “Polygon Properties” sections. If you want to create a pie chart, you can modify this expression so it generates HTML that queries the Google Image Chart API. Documentation and examples for the Google Image Chart API can be found here:

The following is an example of an expression that shows Sales by Venue broken down by month in a 2-D pie chart:

=	'<font face="Arial" size="-1"><b>Venue</b> = ' & Venue & '<br>' &
	'<b>Sales</b> = ' & num(sum(Sales), '$#,###.') &  '<br><br>' &
	'<b>' & Repeat('&nbsp', 33) & 'Monthly Revenue</b><br></font>' &
	'<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart' &
	'?chs=350x150' & // chart size = 350x150 pixels
	'&cht=p' & // chart type = 2 dimensional pie chart
	'&chds=0,' * max(Receipts) & // max
	'&chco=0000FF,00FF00,000000' &// green->black color gradient for pie slices
	'&chd=t:' & // values for each pie slices
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"January"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"February"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"March"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"April"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"May"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"June"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"July"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"August"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"September"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"October"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"November"}>} Sales) & ',' &
		sum({$<LongMonth = {"December"}>} Sales) &
	'&chl=Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec' & // labels for each pie slice
	'&chdlp=b' &