How do I use the Encoded Polyline Exporter plugin for QGIS?

For information on installing the Encoded Polyline Exporter plugin, read the How do I Install the Encoded Polyline Exporter plugin for QGIS? page

Load SHP file

In QGIS, load a shapefile (SHP), KML file, or any file with boundary demarcations.

Note: To do this, go to Layer -> Add Vector Layer (alternately, Ctrl+Shift+V).

Start Encoded Polyline Exporter

Select Vector -> Encoded Polyline -> Encoded Polyline Builder

Choose export options

  1. Chose the Source Layer to be exported.
  2. Specify an output filename and location.
  3. You may optionally assign a field name prefix. This will be used as a prefix to the fields created in the simplify process.
  4. Use the checkbox to simplify geometries for complex shapes. (In most instances you will want this box checked.)

The resulting .CSV file will contain the boundary definitions for your territories in the "encoded polyline" format that QlikMaps uses.

Load in QlikView

This Load the .CSV file into QlikView, just as you would any other data source.  As with any other data source, ensure that the field names are named properly so they join with the rest of your QlikView data model.

Use as Dimension

Use the new boundary field (called RegionBoundary in this example) in a QlikMaps for Polygons object to see your custom territory.