QlikMapsQlikMapsFAQ/Common ScenariosUsageHow do I add pie charts as Marker Icons?

How do I add pie charts as Marker Icons?

You may want to add a small number of points to the map and display information in the marker itself. To do this, you could use a pie chart as the Marker Icon. Instructions are below.

Edit the Marker expression

Edit the Marker expression

Edit the Marker Icon expression and use a similar code:

='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart' &
	'?chs=100x100' & 
	'&chf=a,s,000000E6|bg,s,67676700' &
	'&cht=p' & 
	'&chds=0,' & SUM(YourValue1) & 
	'&chco=00005D|0000FF' & 
	'&chd=t:' & SUM(YourValue2) & ',' & SUM(YourValue1 - YourValue2)

Note: For this example, the U.S. state capitols are the points.



Here's the final result.

Note: This example also has a random size expression for Marker Size; an unedited Marker Size expression will return equally-sized pie chart expressions.