Use a density map for maps with many points

Plotting more than 300 points inside a “QlikMaps for Points” or “QlikMaps for Points and Polygons” object can create a cluttered and visually unaesthetic map.  It can also cause performance degradation, so it is best to avoid this situation if possible.  One way to avoid this situation is to use a Density Map as discussed in Sections and 5.1.14.  A Density Map can plot many more points without making the map look cluttered or taking a performance hit.

Retain point-level detail

Knowing that sometimes users will want to see the point-level detail, it is often a good idea to give the user the ability to see point-level detail when the selection criteria reduce the number of points to an appropriate level.

Create 2 QlikMaps objects

Create two separate QlikMaps objects, and control which object is displayed at a time using the “Use Show Condition” option (as detailed in Limit the number of points/polygons to be rendered).

Use IF/THEN logic inside 1 QlikMaps object

Within a single QlikMaps object, create IF/THEN logic within the “Marker Icon” and “Popup Text” fields to control whether or not a marker or a Density Map.

Marker Icon:  

=	if(count(DISTINCT TOTAL CustomerID) > 300, 'Heatmap', 'blue_marker.png')

Popup Text:  (This prevents QlikView from “wasting” processing time resolving popup text that will never be displayed.)

=	if(count(DISTINCT TOTAL CustomerID) > 300, '', '<b>Sales</b> = ' &
	sum(sum(Receipts), '$#,###.') )