Feature Layers - Points

Behind the scenes, Qlik Sense resolves dimensions and expressions for QlikMaps exactly as it would for any out-of-the-box sheet chart object. It is often helpful to first build a straight table before building a QlikMaps object in order to work out data issues with expressions that are unrelated to QlikMaps.

NOTE: By default, double clicking on a point takes the user to street view. If street view is disabled in map settings, double clicking will select the point.

Points - Straight Table

An analogous straight table for a markers layer is defined as follows:

  • Dimension1: Dimension
  • Dimension2: Marker Latitude
  • Dimension3: Marker Longitude
  • Expression1: Popup Content
  • Expression2: Marker Fill Color
  • Expression3: Marker Outline Color
  • Expression4: Marker Opacity
  • Expression5: Marker Size
  • Expression6: Marker Icon
  • Expression7: Spider Expression
  • Expression8: Radial Expression

Points - Marker Dimension

Defines the points being plotted. This value will be selected when lassoing.

Select marker as the dimension type and a field from the dimension drop-down.

Calculated dimensions can be created by selecting <Use Expression> from the drop-down. See Calculated Dimensions for syntax.

Points - Marker Latitude

QlikMaps will auto-select the latitude associated with the selected dimension.

If QlikMaps can't find an associated latitude field, a drop-down will display where a latitude field can be selected. Select a field that defines the latitude for each point.

If you need to modify the auto-selected latitude, expand the dimension caption by clicking on it and select the gears to see the latitude field selector.

Note - The latitude must use geographic coordinate system WGS 84 - EPSG:4326.

Points - Marker Longitude

QlikMaps will auto-select the longitude associated with the selected dimension.

If QlikMaps can't find an associated longitude field, a drop-down will display where a longitude field can be selected. Select a field that defines the longitude for each point.

If you need to modify the auto-selected longitude, expand the dimension caption by clicking on it and select the gears to see the longitude field selector.

Note - The latitude must use geographic coordinate system WGS 84 - EPSG:4326.

Points - Marker Layer Title

QlikMaps will title the layer based on the dimension name.

To provide a customized layer title, expand the dimension caption and provide a layer title. This title will display in the layer control of the map.

Points - Enable Dimension Tooltip

This button is off by default. Checking it will enable hover tooltips that display the dimension value over the point.

Points - Marker Type - Bubble

Displays a round point where color, size and opacity can be used to represent 3 different metrics at one lat/lng point.

Select bubble from the type drop-down.

Bubble Size

Click on a predefined aggregation action and use the drop-down to select a metric to quickly build common expressions that will vary the size of the bubble.

More advanced expressions can be used by selecting <Use Expression> from the drop-down.

  • If value is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated by QlikMaps and scaled appropriately based on the selected bubbles. The slider can be used to adjust the variance in size.
  • If pixels is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated as pixel size. If a static size is needed, use a number that represents the size in pixels.

Expand the size caption by clicking on it and select the gears to see advanced aggregation techniques.

Bubble Fill Color

Click on a predefined aggregation action and use the drop-down to select a metric to quickly build common expressions that will vary the color of the bubble.

The color palette can be changed by expanding the color caption and selecting a different color palette. The slider under the palette drop-down adjusts the accepted variance in the color scale.

More advanced expressions can be used by selecting <Use Expression> from the drop-down and creating a custom expression.

  • If value is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated by QlikMaps and colored based on the selected palette.
  • If pixels is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated as an RGB() color or HEX#. <Use Static Color> can be selected from the drop down to force all bubbles to the same color.

Bubble Opacity

Expand the color caption by clicking on it to see the opacity slider.

Clicking on the gear Icon allows for an expression to be used for opacity instead of the slider. The expression must be a numeric value 0-100. If left blank, opacity is set to 100.

Points - Marker Type - Image

Displays an image on the lat/lng point.

Select 'Image' from the 'Type' drop-down.

By default, 'green_check.png' is defined to illustrate the formatting necessary to reference an image. Replace 'green_check.png' with the path to the desired image.

NOTE - 'green_check.png' is in the /img directory of the QlikMaps install directory. Any other image in that directory can be referenced similarly without a full path.

Additional information can be found in the Using Icons as Points article.

Marker Size

Click on a predefined aggregation action and use the drop-down to select a metric to quickly build common expressions that will vary the size of the image.

More advanced expressions can be used by selecting <Use Expression> from the drop-down.

  • If value is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated by QlikMaps and scaled appropriately based on the selected images. The slider can be used to adjust the variance in size.
  • If pixels is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated as pixel size. If a static size is needed, use a number that represents the size in pixels. A non-square size is possible by sending an expression formatted  WidthxHeight. For instance, to render a marker icon sized as a rectangle 40 pixels wide by 20 pixels tall, return the expression ='40x20'

Expand the size caption by clicking on it and select the gears to see advanced aggregation techniques.

Points - Marker Type - HTML

Displays HTML content on a lat/lng point.

Select HTML from the type drop-down.

By default, a basic HTML marker is created that displays the dimension name.

Advanced HTML can be used to render any HTML content on the point using the syntax provided in the editor.

All sizing, placement and content can be controlled by the HTML in the expression box. However, centering can be handled differently. If the 'Auto Center' button is selected one of the following occurs:

  • If the HTML is wrapped in a 'div' element, then apply css to that div wrapper to center it
  • if the HTML is NOT wrapped in a 'div' element, then wrap it in '<div>' '</div>' and center the new wrapper

Additional examples can be located on the QlikMaps download site in the QlikMaps for Points.qvw.

Also, see Using HTML as Points article for more information.

Points - Marker Type - Heatmap Only

The markers defined will be represented as a heatmap.

By default, marker density is used for a heatmap. An expression can be used instead by expanding the type caption and selecting the gears.


Click on a predefined aggregation action and use the drop-down to select a metric to quickly build common expressions.

More advanced expressions can be used by selecting <Use Expression> from the drop-down.

  • If value is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated by QlikMaps and scaled appropriately. The slider can be used to adjust the variance.
  • If pixels is selected, the returned expression will be evaluated as pixel size. If a static size is needed, use a number that represents the size in pixels.

Expand the size caption by clicking on it and select the gears to see advanced aggregation techniques.

Points - Enable Heatmap

Checking this box will enable the heatmap in the layer selection in addition to the marker layer. By default, the heatmap layer will be turned off.

Points - Weighted by Marker Size

By default, marker density is used for the heatmap. Checking this box allows you to use the size expression instead.

Points - Heatmap Intensity

Adjusts the intensity of the heatmap. This is useful if values are small and do not show well over a large area.

Points - Popup Content

Defines the popup content that appears when a user clicks on a marker.

QlikMaps automatically generates popups where possible using the feature layer dimension and sizing expression.

A null value of ='-' will suppress popups on a per-row basis

Advanced popups can be created by unchecking auto generate popups and using an expression that returns HTML. Below are a few examples.

Points - Border

Defines the color of a marker bubble's outline.

The outline color defaults to white but can be changed by selecting an alternate color from the drop-down. An expression can also be used by selecting Expression from the drop down and using any expression that returns an RGB() value or HEX# formatted color code.

Width and Opacity can also be changed using the sliders. For more granular control click the Border caption and select the gears to use an expression to define the Width and Opacity.

  • Width expects a number representing the width in pixels of the border.
  • Opacity expects a number 0-100, excluding the value 1. 1 is unavailable due to backwards compatibility issues.

Points - Spider Plot Expression

Spider plots draw one-to-many connections on the map.

Select a related layer from the drop-down to configure spider plots. If there is no other layer in the map object, no selections will be available in the drop-down.

Advanced configuration is possible by expanding the spider plots caption and selecting the gears. You will then be allowed to enter expressions that create spider plots.

Configuring and using Spider Plots

Points - Radial Expression

Radial plots group points together using circles.

Select the type of radial to draw:

  • Fixed Distance draws two radials based on the position of the two sliders. The aggregate field drop down allows for aggregations in the radial popups.
  • Quantile by Marker Count groups points equally into the number of radii selected in the slider. The aggregate field drop down allows for aggregations in the radial popups
  • Quantile by KPI groups points equally based on the expression in the aggregate field expression.

Advanced functionality is possible by clicking on the radial plots caption and selecting the gears. You will then be allowed to enter expressions that will effect the drawn radials and aggregation expression.

Configuring and using Radial Plots

Points - Drilling

Drilling defines a selection path for moving from one layer to another.

  • In the parent drop-down select the layer drilled from
  • In the Before drilling... drop-down, select how to handle the current layer when the parent layer is visible.
    • Hidden creates the layer but hides it by default. The user can make it visible using the layer control. Note that  Hidden  uses RAM and CPU even while the layer is not visible.
    • Unavailable does not process the layer. It is not visible on the map or in the layer control. Unavailable uses NO RAM or CPU.
  • In the After drilling... drop-down select what to do with the current layer once the count of the of the current layer is 1.

If the drop-downs are used any time a single area or point is selected, the next more granular layer will be shown. If more control over drilling is necessary, select the gears icon to show the Show/Hide Expression and Calculation Condition.

  • The Show/Hide Expression can be any expression that returns either on or hidden.
  • The Calculation Condition can be any expression that returns either True() or False().

Advanced Settings

Points - Page Height

Page height is only displayed if the advanced settings box is checked under map settings.

Page height adjusts the number of features loaded on to a single layer at a time. The result will be the defined number of features (Points or Polygons) being loaded on to the map, and then more of the same number of features, until the cube height is reached.

Points - Cube Height

Cube height is only displayed if the advanced settings box is checked under map settings.

Cube height adjusts the maximum number of features to be loaded on to the map per layer.

Cube height needs to be an exact multiple of page height.