UniverseBridgeUniverseBridge FAQ/Common ScenariosAdvanced ConfigurationConfiguring Tableau Bridge for use with Tableau Online

Configuring Tableau Bridge for use with Tableau Online

Note:  Tableau Bridge is only required if want to refresh UniverseBridge data from Tableau Online and your UniverseBridge environment is not reachable from the external internet without the use of VPN.

This article assumes the following:

  • You have already installed and registered Tableau Bridge
  • Tableau Bridge is able to hit UniverseBridge
  • A UniverseBridge extract has already been published to Tableau Online

Once a UniverseBridge extract has been published from the Tableau Desktop client to Tableau Online, you will need tell Tableau Online that it must use Tableau Bridge to refresh the data.

Navigate to the extract in Tableau Online, click the ellipse (triple-dot), and click "Schedule with Bridge"

You will then be presented with the following dialog.  Select a Tableau Bridge that can hit your UniverseBridge environment, create a schedule, and click the "Create" button.