QlikMaps for Polygons: Polygon Properties

Right-click on dashboard sheet, select “New Sheet Object,” click on the “Extensions” tab, then drag “QlikMaps for Polygons / Lines” on to the dashboard sheet.

Note: If using QlikView Desktop Client, you must be in “Web View”.

Straight Table

Behind the scenes, QlikView resolves the Dimensions and Expressions for QlikMaps exactly as it would for any out-of-the-box sheet Chart Object, such as a Straight Table. It is often helpful to first build a Straight Table object before building a QlikMaps object in order to work out any data issues and problems with formulae that are unrelated to QlikMaps.

An analogous Straight Table for a “QlikMaps for Points” object is defined as follows:

  • Dimension1: Dimension
  • Dimension2: Boundary
  • Expression1: Fill Color
  • Expression2: Popup Text
  • Expression3: Opacity

The typical Properties window in QlikMaps for Polygons.


Select a field in your data model that is the unique identified for each polygon or territory you want to plot. This is the value that will be used as a selector when lassoing polygons from the map.


Select a field in your data model that defines the boundary of the polygons / territories in encoded polyline or WKT format. See the following:

Fill Color

This expression allows you to control how polygons are colored. This expression must return a text value representing a color in HEX format. For example:


You can also use the built in QlikView color functions in this field, like the following:


New in QlikMaps 2.2.1, you can use HEX format, ARGB format, or the QlikView native COLORMIX function to control color and opacity (you can also control opacity by using the Opacity expression).

For example, the following will create a semitransparent red polygon using either HEX or ARGB:


From the Fill Color template in the template of a new Polygons object (note that this example uses an IF function wrapper to ensure the expression resolves to a color):

Example 2:
=if(Count(Distinct TOTAL [Dimension]) = 1,
	   (sum([x]) - min(total aggr(sum([x]), [Dimension]))) / (max(total aggr(sum([x]), [Dimension])) - min(total aggr(sum([x]), [Dimension]))),

See Create a Heat Map of Polygons for additional examples.

This is where you specify the popup text that appears when a user clicks on a polygon. This expression must return a text value. The expression can return a simple text value, or it can return a value that is in HTML format, or return a null value of "-" to suppress popups on a per-row basis.

See the following for examples of customizing the “Popup Text” field:


If this expression returns an integer value between 0 and 100, the value is used to set opacity.

Additional functionality was added in QlikMaps 2.3 to to change the color, weight and format of the polygon border. See How do I customize polygon borders?

Sticky Popups

Sticky Popups has been moved to Sticky Popups under Map Properties.