UniverseBridge Installation

UniverseBridge uses JSP technology, so it can be installed on any JSP application server.  Typically, Apache Tomcat is the application server used by most, as it is part of a standard SAP BusinessObjects installation.

UniverseBridge can be installed on the same application server that hosts your web-based SAP clients, or it can be installed on any other JSP application server that can access the SAP BusinessObjects server.

NOTE: If installing for use with Tableau Server, see Connecting through Tableau Server .

Deploy the .WAR file

Typically UniverseBridge is installed side-by-side with your SAP BusinessObjects BOE.  Simply place 'UniverseBridge.war' in the 'webapps' directory that hosts your BOE, and your JSP server will automatically deploy it.  For example, if you are running your BOE on Windows using Tomcat, the webapps directory will typically be found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps

Confirm successful deployment

Confirm that your JSP server has created a 'UniverseBridge' subdirectory inside the 'webapps' folder. For example, in a Windows Tomcat environment, verify the following directory exists:C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\UniverseBridge

Note: If you do not see this directory, your JSP server is not set to automatically deploy .war files. In this situation, you will need to restart your JSP server.

Note: Do not remove the .war once installation is complete.

Confirm successful installation

Go to the UniverseBridge URL (Tomcat root URL + "/UniverseBridge", typically: http://myserver:8080/UniverseBridge) to verify the UniverseBridge home page returns.

Apply License Key

A license key must be applied for UniverseBridge to be enabled.

To apply license key

  1. Navigate to http://myserver:8080/UniverseBridge/Admin.jsp
  2. Select 'Advanced'
  3. Copy the license key provided in the Welcome Email and click 'Test'.
  4. If 'Test' is successful, Select 'Save'